Setting the Dining Table

Table setting is arranging and equipping the dining table with cutlery according to the type of dish to be served.

Setting the dining table to be more artistic is an art in itself because it involves creativity, sensitivity to taste, mix and match colors and patterns of cutlery, as well as knowledge of where to place cutlery as needed.

Often in setting the dining table carrying various themes or concepts so that the order is more attractive. Such as natural, classic, chic, glamorous, ethnic themes and many more.

Batik Losari provides a choice of a complementary set of tableware in the form of table cloth or table cloth, napkin or napkin, placemat or placemat and coaster or glass mat with beautiful batik motifs using natural dyes.

Pewarna Indigo dan Jalawe

Kulit buah jalawe merupakan salah satu bahan jamu tradisional yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pewarna batik. Warna kain yang dihasilkan dari hasil proses pencelupan rebusan jalawe berupa warna hijau kecokelatan.

Yayasan Losari